You can find lists of all of the Perennials and Annuals by clicking here. If you wish to know any of the varieties we offer in more detail, please ask here or on Facebook. It should be noted that we grow 99 percent of what we sell on the premises and therefore once we run out of a variety, we are out for the remainder of the year. Unfortunately we will not be able to update the lists throughout the season as varieties run out, so if you are looking for something specific, visit us in the early spring. Our inventory moves fast in the month of May, so don’t miss out.
We find new plants every year to grow which is not only fun for us but also for the customer! This year is no exception as we are very excited to be growing new plants such as Mandevilla Sun Parasol Sunbeam and Unicorn Horn cactus.
Frizzhome Gardens is proud to offer thousands of beautiful hanging baskets which fill the overhead space in all of our greenhouses. We offer hanging baskets not only of annuals but also of fruit and vegetables like strawberries and tomatoes.
One thing that we strive for is being a friend to bumblebees and butterflies. This past season we were thrilled to have many Monarch Butterflies and other insects visit our greenhouses!
Lilacs are quick to attract many friends Monarch Butterfly enjoying Lantana This sedum is being visited by a bumblebee
Frizzhome Gardens looks to offer many unique varieties of annuals and perennials. We even have one greenhouse that is dedicated to succulents, tropical plants and house plants. We heat this greenhouse year round which allows us to winter over many exciting plants!
In the fall we will have seasonal plants such as garden mums, ornamental kale and cabbage, as well as fall asters.